Enter the Virtual Competition by Submitting Your Video Performance of "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing" by August 21, 2023

Apply for a Paycheck Protection Program Loan Through NAACP and Diversity Capital

Stay Updated on Week One of the Virtual 111th NAACP National Convention

DeVos Sued by Public School Parents, NAACP, and School Districts to Block Illegal Rule That Diverts Critical COVID-19 Aid from Public Schools to Private Schools

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NAACP to Host Virtual Town Hall Featuring Senator Mitt Romney

The 2023 Virtual March on Washington will take place Aug. 27-28, 2023. Sign up for alerts.

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NAACP and CBS Strike Multi-Year Partnership Agreement To Create Content For Broadcast, Cable and Streaming

Voters and Civil Rights Organizations Take Legal Action Challenging Trump Campaign’s Voter Suppression Efforts in Pennsylvania

NAACP Opposes Nomination of Mark Burkhalter For Ambassadorship, Urges Immediate Withdrawal

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The 2023 Virtual March on Washington, taking place August 27-28, 2023 on the 57th anniversary of the historic March on Washington, will be a one of a kind event driving the movement from protest to policy to power. Sign up for alerts.



Business as usual is costing Black Americans their lives. The NAACP has started a social movement and we need your voice to make one thing clear: We Are Done Dying. Join us, as we urge Congress to take every measure in ensuring we protect Black lives. Take action now.


1. Federal Advocacy 2. Education 手机vnp的服务器怎么填 4. Criminal Justice 5. Health 6. Environmental &
Climate Justice
Our mission is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination. And we’ve been doing it since 1909.


John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act of 2023
Action Alert Action Update / July 31, 2023
Image for John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act of 2023
RECAP: NAACP Hosted Virtual Town Hall Featuring Senator Mitt Romney
News / July 30, 2023
Image for RECAP: NAACP Hosted Virtual Town Hall Featuring Senator Mitt Romney
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手机怎么挂npv / July 30, 2023
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